Unclaimed Property

The Tulane University Police Department receives and stores evidentiary, seized, found, and abandoned property.

The Property and Evidence personnel are responsible for notifying and returning property to the rightful owners when possible. 

We recommend keeping track of your property by securely storing serial numbers, item descriptions, pictures, and more with the FREE property inventory system ReportIt.

ReportIT Login


Hours of Operation and Property Release Appointments

Property and Evidence personnel will be available by appointment only, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with the exception of holidays. A valid ID is required for all appointments (a Tulane University SPLASH card is acceptable).

We are located on the Tulane University uptown campus, on the first floor of the Diboll Complex parking garage, near the elevators. If you have any questions or would like to arrange an appointment, please call: 504-314-2396.

You can also email questions about property release and set up appointments at property@tulane.edu. Please reference your name, contact information, police department case number, and a description of the item(s) in question.

Claiming Property

If you are the rightful owner of an item, please contact the Evidence Unit at (504) 314-2396.   Proof of ownership and verification of eligibility to possess the unclaimed property are required prior to returning any items. 

About Unclaimed Property

All stolen property recovered by the police department and all property lawfully seized by or voluntarily relinquished to the police department will be disposed  pursuant to L.R.S. 33:2333

Bicycles may be donated to a non-profit organization.


Unclaimed Property

Filter by Report Date:



Date (Case #) Item Number Property Description
240383 Blue Unk
240383 Yellow Huffy
240383 Yellow Malibu
240383 Red Schwinn
240383 Red Gary Fisher
240383 Green Causeway
240383 Black Havoc
240383 Silver Townie
240383 Blue Huffy
240383 Blue Giant
Displaying 41 - 50 of 72 Records

Property vs Evidence

Found Property - Includes property found by an employee or citizen where the owner cannot be readily identified or contacted and has no apparent evidentiary value. This property will be held for 180 days and posted to the below public notice in an effort to reach owners so they may retrieve their property. 

Safekeeping Property - Safekeeping items are those held for the owner for various reasons and are not intended to be used as evidence in a criminal case. The owner has 180 days from the date the items are received to pick up his/her property. 

A firearm may not be released until it has been verified that the person receiving the weapon is not prohibited from receiving or possessing the weapon by 18 USC § 922 (d).

Contraband - All contraband items (illegal weapons, ammunition, pyrotechnics, drugs, narcotics, paraphernalia, etc.) that are confiscated, found, or otherwise turned into the Tulane University Police Department will be destroyed.

Evidence—Evidence includes items that have some connection to a crime (such as tools used to commit a burglary, or items recovered from a previous burglary). Items held as evidence are usually retained until the prosecution of the criminal case has been concluded for all parties involved in the case. Approval may be required from both the Orleans Parish District Attorney's Office and the police officer involved in the case before the property can be released.

Property and Evidence personnel DO NOT have information on case dispositions. If you have questions about a criminal case or need to know its current status, please contact the Orleans Parish District Attorney's Office at (504) 822-2414 and ask to speak to the Assistant District Attorney in charge of the case (you will need to provide the Tulane University Police Department case number or New Orleans Police Department item number).